The location of Jena, the German Optical Valley, is endued with unique potential of tradition and experience. The combination of abstract and applied research and science together with a powerful industry is outstanding within Germany. Besides our regional network we can rely on partners worldwide.
Weltoffenes Thüringen
Successful space missions and products require people from different nations, cultures and world views to work together. Therefore, we are part of "Weltoffenes Thüringen", an initiative of a multitude of companies and individuals that are committed to a open-minded Thuringia
The German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) is the primary industry representative of the aerospace sector in Germany. As the voice of German aerospace, BDLI engages in dialogue with political institutions, authorities, trade associations and governments at home and abroad.
is a science and business network located in Jena. Collaboration is the secret of our success. That’s why we’re committed to exciting encounters, lively debate and creative ideas.
The network LRT represents the interests of companies and facilities in the field of aerospace in Saxony and Thuringia. Jena-Optronik GmbH supports the LRT and Dietmar Ratzsch is member of the board.
Hidden Champion
Technology and world market leader from Thuringia: We are one of the "Hidden Champions" of the Free State. The project is a joint initiative of the Thuringian Ministry of Economics and the Thuringian State Development Corporation.