Space heritage

The exceptional conditions in space require high demands on the products and their engineers.

We meet the requirements of our customers with our know-how. Beyond that our fascination of the universe and curiosity to gain new perspectives enable high-quality products.

Attitude and orbit control sensors for satellites and spacecrafts

Our Portfolio comprises precise and robust sensors for state-of-the-art AOCS to ensure stable performance of satellites:

with a broad application range from LEO to GEO orbit: Constellation – Earth Observation – Space Transportation – GEO Telecom – Deep Space and Science. Up to today more than 450 AOCS sensors have been sold and are used worldwide within national and international projects.

Sun Sensors are no longer part of our product portfolio.

Space optics and electronics for Earth observation satellites

With the development of the multi-spectral imagers for RapidEye Jena-Optronik successfully entered the market of satellite-based Earth observation Instruments enabling us to become a member of the core teams of Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 within the European Earth observation program COPERNICUS.

COPERNICUS continuously observing the global changes - contributions from Jena:

  • Electronics and optical filter for Sentinel-2 - objectives: land monitoring
  • Opto-mechanical structure, subsystems, telescope and scan systems of for Sentinel-3 - objectives: marine observation
  • Optics for Sentinel-4 - objectives: air quality monitoring
  • Optics and filter for Sentinel-5 - objectives: air quality Monitoring

Space exploration

The Jena-based company develops components and systems to explore the solar system and planets:

German NewSpace startup Reflex Aerospace successfully launches “SIGI” with two Jena-Optronik star sensors on board

With its new adaptable OmniFlex platform capable of rapidly delivering high-performance satellites for a wide variety of demanding space applications, Reflex Aerospace is driving the commercialization of space in low Earth orbit.

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An asteroid doesn't wait

European Space Agency ESA successfully launched space probe HERA into space.
On board: “Asteroid Framing Camera” from Jena-Optronik.

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All News-Articles

Jena-Optronik goes ESA 4S Symposium

For the first time, Jena-Optronik will exhibit at this year’s ESA 4S Symposium in Palma de Mallorca, Spain from 27th to 31st May 2024.

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As we are turning 30 years, we a delighted to give you insights on our history as well as future missions with space technology made by Jena-Optronik.

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All Blog-Articles

Space photography

Apollo astronauts as photographers: stunning pictures of our blue marble, the moon and astronauts' lifes 

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Space: It’s all around us

Space inspires us all and creates a wealth of knowledge

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All Knowledgeplatform-Articles


  • 40th Space Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
    April 7-10, 2025