In the frame of ESA’s ARTES 4.0 Programme Line for Optical Communication (ScyLight), Jena-Optronik realized an innovative concept study for a Multi-User Acquisition and Tracking Sensor (MUATS) which allows to detect optical communication terminals in space.
Optical communication terminals (OCT) employ laser beams to transfer data. This is for example the case in the European Data Relais System (EDRS) where data is transferred via optical communication from low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites to geostationary satellites (GEO orbit), which then forward the data to ground stations on Earth via radiofrequency (RF) signal.
Although state-of-the-art OCTs are able to acquire and track potential communication counterparts, they have only a limited field of view and therefore can set up a connection with only one partner at a time. Switching to the next terminal requires a certain preplanning and position knowledge of this partner.
MUATS addresses this drawback: Equipped with a wide field of view, it provides precise angular position information of multiple OCTs. This additional information enables an OCT to establish communication links rapidly between different terminals.
MUATS is able to track simultaneously up to 20 OCTs on the ground or in space. Jena-Optronik has developed the MUATS concept and demonstrator in the frame of ESA’s ARTES 4.0 programme. MUATS is a single box design which accommodates
The concept envisages that all necessary hardware is housed in one enclosure to enable autonomous operation and a simple redundancy concept.
Jena-Optronik currently develops an autonomous optical terminal detection sensor (AUTO-TDS) for autonomously operating networks.
AUTO-TDS will be able to identify multiple optical terminals simultaneously, which want to establish a link to the optical terminal on board of the satellite where AUTO-TDS is located.
Optische Sensoren der Jena-Optronik befähigen Satelliten, stabil und wie vorgesehen auf Kurs zu bleiben. Seit vielen Jahrzehnten ermöglichen und unterstützen wir ebenso spektakuläre wie erfolgreiche Weltraummissionen. Mit unseren international ausgezeichneten Produkten gehören wir zu den weltweit führenden Zuliefern der Raumfahrtindustrie.
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