SSA Sensor Suite

Space-based Sensor Suite for Space Situational Awareness applications

The combination of sensors helps to generate new data products and hence information. This approach has been chosen for the development of a new Sensor Suite for Space Situational Awareness.

Our product portfolio comprises a wide palette of different sensors as well as longtime experience in the area of application specific electronics. We currently combined the competences for the development of a new Sensor Suite for Space Situational Awareness.

The Sensor Suite is able to combine the following components in a flexible manner:

  • Visual light sensing cameras with different field of views
  • Thermal infrared cameras
  • Laser Warner
  • Laser range finder
  • Agile angular platform

The key component and core element of the Sensor Suite is the Central Processing Unit, which controls the individual sensors and performs the data Fusion.

Jena-Optronik selected by MDA Space as part of the MDA AURORA (TM) supply chain

Jena-Optronik GmbH announced today it has been selected by MDA Space Ltd. (TSX:MDA), a leading provider of advanced technology and services to the rapidly expanding global space industry, as part of the company’s supply chain for MDA AURORATM, a game-changing product line driving the transition from analog to digital satellite technology.

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Exploring a new world: NASA’s Psyche mission spacecraft equipped with sensor technology from Jena

Jena-Optronik provides autonomous star sensors to Maxar for the attitude control system of the Psyche spacecraft.

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Jena-Optronik goes ESA 4S Symposium

For the first time, Jena-Optronik will exhibit at this year’s ESA 4S Symposium in Palma de Mallorca, Spain from 27th to 31st May 2024.

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As we are turning 30 years, we a delighted to give you insights on our history as well as future missions with space technology made by Jena-Optronik.

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Space photography

Apollo astronauts as photographers: stunning pictures of our blue marble, the moon and astronauts' lifes 

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Space: It’s all around us

Space inspires us all and creates a wealth of knowledge

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    October 14-18, 2024
  • ESA Industry Space Days, Nordwijk, the Netherlands
    September 18-19, 2024
  • World Satellite Business Week, Paris, France
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  • Small Satellite Conference, Logan, Utah, USA
    August 03-08, 2024